With Wimmera Bearings you get:
- The world's finest bearings
& complementary products,
- 24 hour, 7 day service,
- Prompt delivery,
- Competitive pricing,
- Technical support.
Your increased profits our aim
We aim to be a company that you will find easy and beneficial to deal with in all areas.
You will benefit from our experience, product knowledge and dependability in terms of
increased profits and minimised downtime.
We have developed our range to meet your requirements. We are bearings and power
transmission specialists, well experienced to serve your needs
speedily and with efficiency.
As well we are the Wimmera's largest supplier of Coromant products, which
include lathe tools and boring bars.
We only carry the brands that have been judged best for their ability to
consistently out-perform rival brands. We take into account very seriously
the amount of technical development that has gone into producing them. Therefore
when we supply you with an item you can share our confidence that the product will
meet or exceed expectations.
Because of our understanding of the local courier network we are able to get
goods to you in the fastest possible time.
To best meet your requirements our offices are manned from 7:00 am to
6:00 pm weekdays and from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon Saturdays. Additionally,
you may call our 24 hours number 03 5381 0800 for after hours service
including breakdowns. During harvest we extend our hours even further to
meet your extra requirements.
Leon, Josh and Tom as well as Gloria in accounts,
strive to provide you with superior service
at all times. We will provide a representative to help with the location,
labeling and identification of goods.
Advances in accessibility
We are continually updating our electronic communications to make
it increasingly easy and convenient for you to access our services, e.g:
- This website.
- Email address.
- Electronic Funds transfer.
- Demonstration CDs.
- Electronic handbook.
- Demonstration videos.
We are authorised distributors for SKF, and stockists
of Timken, Torrington / Fafnir, INA, JIB & Bower products.
Donaldson air cleaners, Universal joints, Gearbox kits, Wheel seals,
Alfloc, Fan Belts, CR Speedi sleeves, Idler pulleys
Header plough & auger bearings, Aetna pulleys & Fafnir pulleys,
Chain & sprockets, Couplings, universal joints, yokes &
power take-off shafts, trailer parts, belts & pulleys.
For factory, home & workshop
Plummer blocks, Molybond, Loctite®, CRC, Lightning Hand cleaner,
Nylon rod & sheet, Jarrett winches, Sandvik/Coromant lathe tools,
Bronze bushes & bushings, Silastic®, castors, circlips,
v-belts & taper lock pulleys, "O" rings & seals.
Wimmera Bearings 14B Sloss Street Horsham, Victoria, Australia
TEL# +61 3 5381 0800 FAX# +61 3 5381 0801
Email: sales@wimmerabearings.com